Life Update for the Hedge Hog
Posted by Katie Ray on
Hey there! It’s been FOREVER since I’ve posted anything, but I’m finally on vacation and have some free time to actually sit down and write! Jen mentioned how busy we were with making flowers for her brother and sister in laws wedding, and on top of that I volunteered us to help with my work’s Dispatcher Appreciation Banquet which happened to coincide with the wedding! So needless to say we were up to are ears in crafts; more specifically – hot glue haha. Life itself has also had its challenges which has taken up a lot of my time; thankfully these challenges have been for the better, and overall things are more amazing than they have been in a long time for me personally.
Dispatcher Appreciation
Every April there’s a week dedicated nationwide to acknowledge the unseen first responders; Police & Fire Dispatchers. It’s not very often we get recognized for the hard work we do and what we go through, so when this time of year comes around we tend go all out. Each year the agency who is hosting picks a theme for our celebration, and then we all join together for a fun night of dinner, drinking, prizes and recognizing those who went above and beyond that year to earn themselves the title of “Dispatcher of the Year” for each agency. There’s a lot of hard work and time that goes into this event from a lot of different people, so you know I had to volunteer Hedge & Fox to help out! Jen and myself worked on my office’s “Brag Board” which shows pictures of everyone who works there and of course competition for best brag board! The theme for this year was Denim & Diamonds, so we covered a display board with denim then went to town with some hot glue and rhinestones. I’m pretty sure between the rhinestones and the felt flowers Jen and I have burned off most of our finger prints haha! I also made a crocheted blanket for the silent auction, which one of my co-workers won!
My favorite thing about the photo of my blanket is seeing Jen with my niece and nephew in the background laughing and enjoying each other; it just warms my heart!
My Life in a Nutshell
My life lately has also gone through a pretty large overhaul; I went from having two roommates to no roommates. While overall I’m extremely happy about this, it’s also been a large adjust financially. However, the best part about it is, I GET A CRAFT ROOM!!!!!!!! Let me tell you how excited I am to have a place to put all my supplies (that isn’t my bedroom floor in organized bags)! It’s going to be a bit of a slow process because of the financial adjustment I mentioned before but the transformation has begun. I have a super talented friend Lauren who paints, and she painted exactly what I envisioned for my room; a place of peace, happiness, and creativity.
I can’t wait to show you all the fully finished after photos! It makes me so excited! I’ve also begun the “decluttering” of my house (I make up words sometimes, don’t mind me haha). Thankfully with the help of my sister friend Christine we’ve made huge strides in getting rid of things I don’t need and making room for those that I do in an organized fashion. I’m so lucky to have a sister who literally loves organizing and purging, its like having my own personal Marie Kondo, and the best part is Christine is bringing all the joy and love with her! We got rid of no less than 7 large bins of stuff just from my kitchen. It’s crazy the stuff you find when you empty everything out, like why in the world did I have 15 spatulas?!?! It’s such a freeing feeling to get organized, brings a whole new feeling of peace and accomplishment.
The other big change in my life is my new family member Stella! A couple years ago I had two yorkies, Dharma and Greg, who both got hit by a car and killed at the same time. I was devastated. It was a lot for me to handle as my Dad had also just recently passed. It’s taken me awhile to be ready for a new pup in my life, and I’ve also been waiting for an opportunity to present itself. I wanted to adopt but didn’t really know when the right time would be. Then one night at work a friend of mine asked if I wanted a dog because her Aunt was trying to rehome their son’s dog. Along came Stella (formerly named Mahina). She’s a Pit-bull Dalmatian mix, and full of love. She’s my new ride or die; seriously this pup was made for me. She’s almost six years old and just overall amazing and sweet, God truly knew what I needed in a pup and when I needed it!
Up & Coming!
Jen and I are also preparing for a local craft show in October, making products, planning our booth set up, and did I mention making products?? I’ve been crocheting myself silly with crochet orders from co-workers as well as inventory. Jen and I have also been working on our “surprise” that we keep mentioning. We’re so excited and proud of it, but it has been more work than I think either of us really expected.
Well now you are all caught up on my life! I hope this post finds you all thriving as well!
Update 9/2020: We launched an online store last year! Check out our unique handmade jewelry designs